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Add Input Fields Dynamically But Fields Are Generated By External PHP Functions

This question might seem like a repeat, but I really couldn't find something similar. Things work here but are not dynamic here: var counter = 0; function addInput(divName){

Solution 1:

Your function addmore() isn't returning anything because

  1. There is no return "value" in your function
  2. You're making an asynchronous call with $jd.ajax()

You should do like this :

var counter = 0;
function addInput(divName){

and :

function addmore(divName){
          url: "<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>",
          type: "POST",
          data: {'option':'com_joomd', 'view':'itempanel', 'task':'loadfields', 'typeid':<?php echo $this->cparams->typeid; ?>, 'catid[]':checked, 'id':<?php echo (int)$this->item-        id; ?>, "<?php echo jutility::getToken(); ?>":1, 'abase':1},
          beforeSend: function()    {
          complete: function()  {
          success: function(res)    {
             var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
             newdiv.innerHTML = "Member " + (counter + 1) + res;

          error: function() {

Solution 2:

If you want to return values from an ajax call . set async to false and use responseText to return value from the ajax call. Then return that variable from addmore function.

Returning values from jquery ajax call.

Solution 3:

try this to add/remove input fields dynamically (using jquery):

<script>$(function() {
        var scntDiv = $('#p_scents');
        var i = $('#p_scents p').size() + 1;

        $('#addScnt').live('click', function() {
                $('<p><label for="p_scnts"><input type="text" id="p_scnt" size="20" name="p_scnt_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Input Value" /></label> <a href="#" id="remScnt">Remove</a></p>').appendTo(scntDiv);
                return false;

        $('#remScnt').live('click', function() {
                if( i > 2 ) {
                return false;

* { font-family:Arial; }
h2 { padding:0 0 5px 5px; }
h2 a { color: #224f99; }
a { color:#999; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color:#802727; }
p { padding:0 0 5px 0; }
input { padding:5px; border:1px solid #999; border-radius:4px; -moz-border-radius:4px; -web-kit-border-radius:4px; -khtml-border-radius:4px; }

<div id="ContentWrapper">  
<h2><a href="#" id="addScnt">Add Another Input Box</a></h2>
<form id="cat" method="POST" action="">
<div id="p_scents">
        <label for="p_scnts"><input type="text" id="p_scnt" size="20" name="p_scnt" value="" placeholder="Input Value" /></label>

Post name of new fields will be: p_scnt_1, p_scnt_2 etc...

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