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Extending NextJS Default Types With Typescript

Currently I'm doing it like this router.d.ts import { useRouter } from 'next/router' declare global { type TRouter = ReturnType & { query: {

Solution 1:

for module augmentation, you'll want to extend the default type of useRouter() and absorb your custom integration.

Definition of useRouter

/// <reference types="node" />
import React from 'react';
import Router, { NextRouter } from '../next-server/lib/router/router';
declare type SingletonRouterBase = {
    router: Router | null;
    readyCallbacks: Array<() => any>;
    ready(cb: () => any): void;
export { Router, NextRouter };
export declare type SingletonRouter = SingletonRouterBase & NextRouter;
declare const _default: SingletonRouter;
export default _default;
export { default as withRouter } from './with-router';
export declare function useRouter(): NextRouter;
export declare const createRouter: (pathname: string, query: import("querystring").ParsedUrlQuery, as: string, __3: {
    subscription: (data: import("../next-server/lib/router/router").PrivateRouteInfo, App: React.ComponentType<import("../next-server/lib/router/router").AppProps>, resetScroll: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
    } | null) => Promise<void>;
    initialProps: any;
    pageLoader: any;
    Component: React.ComponentType<{}>;
    App: React.ComponentType<import("../next-server/lib/router/router").AppProps>;
    wrapApp: (WrapAppComponent: React.ComponentType<import("../next-server/lib/router/router").AppProps>) => any;
    err?: Error | undefined;
    isFallback: boolean;
    locale?: string | undefined;
    locales?: string[] | undefined;
    defaultLocale?: string | undefined;
    domainLocales?: import("../next-server/server/config-shared").DomainLocales | undefined;
    isPreview?: boolean | undefined;
}) => Router;
export declare function makePublicRouterInstance(router: Router): NextRouter;

useRouter is of type function useRouter(): NextRouter

NextRouter is defined as

type NextRouter = BaseRouter & Pick<Router, "push" | "replace" | "reload" | "back" | "prefetch" | "beforePopState" | "events" | "isFallback" | "isReady" | "isPreview">

so, you can either extend BaseRouter

type BaseRouter = {
    route: string;
    pathname: string;
    query: ParsedUrlQuery;
    asPath: string;
    basePath: string;
    locale?: string;
    locales?: string[];
    defaultLocale?: string;
    domainLocales?: DomainLocales;
    isLocaleDomain: boolean;

which is defined any time you call useRouter()


you can extend class Router, implement BaseRouter, which would allow you to conditionally pick the type you are incorporating while not compromising the integrity of the default Router

export default class Router implements BaseRouter {
    route: string;
    pathname: string;
    query: ParsedUrlQuery;
    asPath: string;
    basePath: string;
     * Map of all components loaded in `Router`
    components: {
        [pathname: string]: PrivateRouteInfo;
    sdc: {
        [asPath: string]: object;
    sdr: {
        [asPath: string]: Promise<object>;
    sub: Subscription;
    clc: ComponentLoadCancel;
    pageLoader: any;
    _bps: BeforePopStateCallback | undefined;
    events: MittEmitter;
    _wrapApp: (App: AppComponent) => any;
    isSsr: boolean;
    isFallback: boolean;
    _inFlightRoute?: string;
    _shallow?: boolean;
    locale?: string;
    locales?: string[];
    defaultLocale?: string;
    domainLocales?: DomainLocales;
    isReady: boolean;
    isPreview: boolean;
    isLocaleDomain: boolean;
    private _idx;
    static events: MittEmitter;
    constructor(pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, as: string, { initialProps, pageLoader, App, wrapApp, Component, err, subscription, isFallback, locale, locales, defaultLocale, domainLocales, isPreview, }: {
        subscription: Subscription;
        initialProps: any;
        pageLoader: any;
        Component: ComponentType;
        App: AppComponent;
        wrapApp: (WrapAppComponent: AppComponent) => any;
        err?: Error;
        isFallback: boolean;
        locale?: string;
        locales?: string[];
        defaultLocale?: string;
        domainLocales?: DomainLocales;
        isPreview?: boolean;
    onPopState: (e: PopStateEvent) => void;
    reload(): void;
     * Go back in history
    back(): void;
     * Performs a `pushState` with arguments
     * @param url of the route
     * @param as masks `url` for the browser
     * @param options object you can define `shallow` and other options
    push(url: Url, as?: Url, options?: TransitionOptions): Promise<boolean>;
     * Performs a `replaceState` with arguments
     * @param url of the route
     * @param as masks `url` for the browser
     * @param options object you can define `shallow` and other options
    replace(url: Url, as?: Url, options?: TransitionOptions): Promise<boolean>;
    private change;
    changeState(method: HistoryMethod, url: string, as: string, options?: TransitionOptions): void;
    handleRouteInfoError(err: Error & {
        code: any;
        cancelled: boolean;
    }, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, as: string, routeProps: RouteProperties, loadErrorFail?: boolean): Promise<CompletePrivateRouteInfo>;
    getRouteInfo(route: string, pathname: string, query: any, as: string, resolvedAs: string, routeProps: RouteProperties): Promise<PrivateRouteInfo>;
    set(route: string, pathname: string, query: ParsedUrlQuery, as: string, data: PrivateRouteInfo, resetScroll: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
    } | null): Promise<void>;
     * Callback to execute before replacing router state
     * @param cb callback to be executed
    beforePopState(cb: BeforePopStateCallback): void;
    onlyAHashChange(as: string): boolean;
    scrollToHash(as: string): void;
    urlIsNew(asPath: string): boolean;
     * Prefetch page code, you may wait for the data during page rendering.
     * This feature only works in production!
     * @param url the href of prefetched page
     * @param asPath the as path of the prefetched page
    prefetch(url: string, asPath?: string, options?: PrefetchOptions): Promise<void>;
    fetchComponent(route: string): Promise<GoodPageCache>;
    _getData<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
    _getStaticData(dataHref: string): Promise<object>;
    _getServerData(dataHref: string): Promise<object>;
    getInitialProps(Component: ComponentType, ctx: NextPageContext): Promise<any>;
    abortComponentLoad(as: string, routeProps: RouteProperties): void;
    notify(data: PrivateRouteInfo, resetScroll: {
        x: number;
        y: number;
    } | null): Promise<void>;

For example, I extended AppProps here to incorporate a Session object so that I can call pageProps.session to inject NextAuth with a users session object


import type { NextComponentType, NextPageContext } from 'next';
import type { Session } from 'next-auth';
import type { Router } from 'next/router';
declare module 'next/app' {
    type AppProps<P = Record<string, unknown>> = {
        Component: NextComponentType<NextPageContext, any, P>;
        router: Router;
        __N_SSG?: boolean;
        __N_SSP?: boolean;
        pageProps: P & {
            /** Initial session passed in from `getServerSideProps` or `getInitialProps` */
            session?: Session;

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