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How To Add RegEx In Angular Filter

Example: plunker From the above example, I have created a simple form with filter option using angular. As far as the filter concern, it's a default filter which is provided by ang

Solution 1:

In this case I would probably create a custom filter.

The tricky part here is that your object model is not flat, so we have to do a deep traversal to check the fields. The caveat to this approach is that you could potentially be checking against fields that are not visible (although i believe this is how the default angular filter behaves).

If that is an issue, you could adjust the filter to pass in a list of fields to check against and use those to filter out unwanted fields.

Here is the filter :

app.filter('wildcard', function() {

  return function(list, value) {

    if (!value) {
      return list;

    var escaped = value.replace(/([.+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
    var formatted = escaped.replace('*', '.*')

    if (formatted.indexOf('*') === -1) {
      formatted = '.*' + formatted + '.*'

    var output = []

    angular.forEach(list, function(item) {
      var regex = new RegExp('^' + formatted + '$', 'im');
      if (traverse(item, regex)) {

    return output

  function traverse(item, regex) {
    for (var prop in item) {

      //angular property like hash
      if(prop[0] === '$$'){

      var value = item[prop];

      if (typeof value === 'object') {
        traverse(value, regex);

        return true;

And then in you html :

 <tr ng-repeat="d in data | wildcard:search">

Here is the plunker

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