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How To Avoid Time Zone Issues With JQuery Datepicker

I'm using datepicker in an input form, and sending the results through json to a database. I am using this line, to get the date from the datePicker: date = $('#datepicker').datepi

Solution 1:

I solved this a while ago, but forgot to post an answer. After retrieving date, this is how i fixed it:

date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - date.getTimezoneOffset());


Solution 2:

I could not figure out what you did there so I came up with a bit of a hackterrific solution.

I took the value of the alt field in UNIX:

$( function() {
    $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
      altField: "#alternate",
      altFormat: "@",

It came out all sorts of weird with 3 extra 0's and a day behind my time zone. So I figured out the difference and added it on.

var a = document.getElementById("alternate").value; // take alternative field UnixTimeStamp value
a = a.slice(0, -3);     // get rid of 3 extra 0's
a = +a + +57000;        // convert to Thai time

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