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Showing posts from December, 2022

Making Y Axis Of Highcharts In Time Format Hh:mm

I need to put in y-axis time format hh:mm, for example y-axis should have 16:00,32:00 and etc. tick… Read more Making Y Axis Of Highcharts In Time Format Hh:mm

How Do I Deploy A Actions-On-Google On Heroku?

I'm experimenting with my Google Home and I read a lot about actions on google and was able to … Read more How Do I Deploy A Actions-On-Google On Heroku?

Several Custom Validate Rules In Jquery Validate Plugin

I am using Jquery Validate plugin to check the user input however, i found that the option is not s… Read more Several Custom Validate Rules In Jquery Validate Plugin

Store A Generated Random Number In A Variable, Then Call That Variable As A Filename To Bring Up An Image. Javascript

So I have a few pictures that I want to randomly generate on a page. the pictures are named 0 - 9 .… Read more Store A Generated Random Number In A Variable, Then Call That Variable As A Filename To Bring Up An Image. Javascript

Access A Variable From Inside Ajax Call Success

I have the following in my js file: var highestNumb; $.ajax({ url: 'https://api.m.ho… Read more Access A Variable From Inside Ajax Call Success

Javascript Write File Without Overwrite

I am using XPCOM to read/write file(s) on my hard drive (since Java is no longer supported on FF16,… Read more Javascript Write File Without Overwrite

Javascript - Switching Between Two Images

I have the following Javascript code which should rapidly switch between two images: Home Page… Read more Javascript - Switching Between Two Images

Processing.js Timer

I am developing an application using Processing.js. At each step in the drawing loop I increment th… Read more Processing.js Timer

How To Disallow Selection With BeforeSelectionChange For Select All Chekbox Selection In Ng-grid

The beforeSelectionChange is being called with an rowItem array while clicking the select All check… Read more How To Disallow Selection With BeforeSelectionChange For Select All Chekbox Selection In Ng-grid

Solved: React-day-picker Daypicker Input Loses Focus When Using Custom Input Component

The working sandbox is I have been trying to i… Read more Solved: React-day-picker Daypicker Input Loses Focus When Using Custom Input Component

How Do You Copy An Inline Style Element In IE?

IE does not allow writing to the innerHTML property of style or head elements. So how do you copy a… Read more How Do You Copy An Inline Style Element In IE?

Custom Styles For Multiple Instances Of Fancybox

I am using Fancybox 2.0.6 to display both images and video. When rolling over the image/video (when… Read more Custom Styles For Multiple Instances Of Fancybox

Detect Browser Tab Close Without Jquery And Send Some Data To Php File

I have wrote a script that send some data to an external php file without jquery. Read more Detect Browser Tab Close Without Jquery And Send Some Data To Php File

Check Legal Characters By Regular Expression But With Unexpected Result

I have defined some characters which are legal to use. var reg= /[-!*() ~{}&… Read more Check Legal Characters By Regular Expression But With Unexpected Result

RequestAnimationFrame Position In Code

Can someone please share where you should have the RequestAnimationFrame call in the animation loop… Read more RequestAnimationFrame Position In Code

Is There A Feasible Way To Trigger CSS Keyframe Animation Using JS?

Naturally, we can create a CSS animation using keyframes, and control it from there. However, ideal… Read more Is There A Feasible Way To Trigger CSS Keyframe Animation Using JS?

JQuery AJAX 'post' Data Isn't Making It Through To The Web Api Controller

I'm setting a Person() object to a couple of ko.observables and trying to pass it into my ajax … Read more JQuery AJAX 'post' Data Isn't Making It Through To The Web Api Controller

TypeError: F Is Undefined

I'm creating a dataTable, where the data for the table is entirely from the database. I tried i… Read more TypeError: F Is Undefined

How To Make A Refresh In Browser With Gulp

I have an app is in iis, it is an app made in angularjs and webapi C # 2.0, I would like to create … Read more How To Make A Refresh In Browser With Gulp

Inject Content/HTML Without Altering The DOM

EDIT #2 I was able to find an answer from Google Support, read my answer below this question. EDIT … Read more Inject Content/HTML Without Altering The DOM

Angular Table Sorting Does Not Work If I Use A Different Api

i took ngTable example from opened it in code pe… Read more Angular Table Sorting Does Not Work If I Use A Different Api

Is It Possible To Trigger Contained Component's Render From Within The Container In React?

So I got App which implements a componentDidMount and render. App contains 2 components, one, an Au… Read more Is It Possible To Trigger Contained Component's Render From Within The Container In React?

Issue When Pushing New Route With Navigator

I'm having a strange behavior with Navigator. The first time I will call navigator.push(...), i… Read more Issue When Pushing New Route With Navigator