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Insert New Element In An Array Of Object And Sort The Array

I have an array of objects that contains the name and marks of students. like below How can I calculate the 'average' marks each student has and compare the 'average' marks to get

Solution 1:

Don't push the average into a new array, add it as a property of Students[i] with Students[i].average = average;.

Then you can sort the array using that property, and print the to students from the sorted array.

var Students = [{
    name: "Bob",
    marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68]
    name: "Alin",
    marks: [87, 60, 59, 70, 68]
    name: "bikash",
    marks: [82, 60, 79, 60, 80]

var average;
for (let i = 0; i < Students.length; i++) {
  var marks = Students[i]["marks"];
  var total = 0;
  for (var j = 0; j < marks.length; j++) {
    total += marks[j];
  average = total / marks.length;
  Students[i].average = average;
  var msg = Students[i]["name"] + " has average mark: " + average;

Students.sort((s1, s2) => s2.average - s1.average);
var topAvg = Students[0].average;
var topStudents = Students.filter(s => s.average == topAvg).map(s =>", ");
console.log(`Top Students are ${topStudents} with mark ${topAvg}`);

Solution 2:

I have used non ES6 functins, instead traditional for loop and other. Please, find answers for your three questions:

  • Creating a list/array of object in this format: [ { name: 'Alin', average: 68.8 }, ..]

  • Sorting a list/array with average value

  • Getting students with the highest average grade.

         const Students = [{
         name: 'Bob',
         marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68],
             name: 'Alin',
             marks: [87, 60, 59, 70, 68],
             name: 'bikash',
             marks: [82, 60, 79, 60, 80],
             name: 'Doston',
             marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68],
     var average;
     var data = [];
     for (var i = 0; i < Students.length; i++){
         var marks = Students[i]["marks"];
         var total = 0;
         for (var j = 0; j < marks.length; j++ ) {
             total += marks[j];
         average = total / marks.length;
         var msg = Students[i]["name"] + " has average mark: " + average;
         // Answer for the first question:
         var item = {"name": Students[i]["name"], "average": average};
     function compareAndSort(a,b) {
         return parseInt(a.average, 10) - parseInt(b.average, 10);
     // Answer for the second question: sort [ { name: 'Alin', average: 68.8 }, ..]
     // Answer for the third question - getting students who has highest mark is last since it is sorted
     var bestStudent = data[data.length - 1];
     console.log( + " has got the highest mark: " + bestStudent.average);
     var bestStudents = [bestStudent];
     // check if there is only one person with this highest mark
     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i ++) {
         if (data[i].average >= bestStudent.average && data[i].name !== {
     // all best students

I have added some data to the JSON input, so that you get two best students

Solution 3:

You don't need an additional array. In theory, calling sort is less efficient than to gather the best student(s) during your loop.


var students = [{name: "Bob",marks: [78,80,89,90,68] },{name: "Alin",marks: [87,60,59,70,68]},{name: "bikash",marks: [82,60,79,60,80]}];

var topAverage = -1; 
var topStudents = [];
var newArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < students.length; i++){
    var marks = students[i].marks;
    var total = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < marks.length; j++ ) {
        total += marks[j];
    var average = total / marks.length;
    // Keep topAverage & topStudents up to date:
    if (average >= topAverage) {
        if (average > topAverage) {
            topStudents.length = 0; // clear previous content
            topAverage = average;

console.log("Top student(s): " + topStudents + " with an average of " + topAverage);

Solution 4:

var Students = [{
    name: "Bob",
    marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68]
    name: "Alin",
    marks: [87, 60, 59, 70, 68]
    name: "bikash",
    marks: [82, 60, 79, 60, 80]

console.log ( (
    student => (
          student.marks.reduce ((a, m) => a + m, 0) /
  ).sort ((a, b) => b.average - a.average)

Solution 5:

Instead of using loops, I used the built-in array methods, which tend to be much more readable (although they would be a lot more readable if you used ES6 syntax).

I use the method to convert the list of marks into the average. In order to find this average, I use Array.prototype.reduce to add up all of the values, and then I divide by the length of the marks array. I then sort the array using Array.prototype.sort.

In order to get the top students, I use Array.prototype.filter in order to select only the students will average marks equal to the top average mark, which since the averages array is sorted, will be averages[0].average.

var Students = [
    name: "Bob",
    marks: [78, 80, 89, 90, 68]
    name: "Alin",
    marks: [87, 60, 59, 70, 68]
    name: "bikash",
    marks: [82, 60, 79, 60, 80]

var averages = {
  return {
    average: student.marks.reduce(function(a, b) {
      return a + b;
    }) / student.marks.length
}).sort(function(a, b) {
  return b.average - a.average;

var top_students = averages.filter(function(student, _i, arr) {
  return student.average === arr[0].average;


console.log("Top Students:\n");

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