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Passing Async Functions To Promise.all()

I know promise.all() expects an array of promises. But, is it possible to do something like below? If no, please suggest a workaround. It's not recommended to use await inside fo

Solution 1:

The first problem is that Promise.all accepts an array of promises, not an array of functions - your current code won't work.

The main issue is that you're only conditionally using the result of the asynchronous operation. You can chain .then onto a Promise to make the Promise resolve to the result of the .then, rather than its initial resolve value. That is:

  .then(res => res + 4)

results in a Promise that resolves to 6.

Using this logic, you can push a Promise to the array which, in its then, conditionally works with the result (distances = and returns the final value, or doesn't return anything. At the end, call Promise.all on the array of Promises, and filter by boolean:

const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < jobs.length; i += 1) {
  if ( !== '' && params.destinations !== '') {
      getDistance(, params.destinations)
        .then((response) => {
          if (response.error) {
            // handle error
            return null
          } else {
            const distances =[0], index) => {
              el.emp_id = empIdOrder[index];
              return el;
            const sortedDistances = sortDistance(distances);
            return formatDataForInsert(jobs[i].job_id, sortedDistances);
const results = await Promise.all(promises)
  .filter(Boolean); // filter out failures

var dataToBeinserted = await Promise.all(functionArray); // return an array with results

Solution 2:

The function in your example is never executed, in order for them to resolve you can do like this (wrap it in parentheses and call right away):

functionArray.push((async function() {
  response = await getDistance(, params.destinations);
  if (response.error) {
    // handle error
    return null
  } else {
    distances =[0], index) => {
      el.emp_id = empIdOrder[index];
      return el;
    sortedDistances = sortDistance(distances);
    return formatDataForInsert(jobs[i].job_id, sortedDistances);


Promise.all( => f())

Solution 3:

You should push Promise object to the array. so just wrap the async function with Promise.

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