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Command Ignored. Unknown Target: Undefined When Setting Custom Dimension In Google Analytics Tracking Code

I am setting up a Custom Dimension in my Google Analytics Tracking Code, however I am seeing a strange error in the Chrome Console with the Google Analytics Debugger switched on. T

Solution 1:

You need to use your tracker names in the "set" command, else GA will apply the command to the default tracker t0 (which does not exist in your example):

  ga('crmpiccoglobal.set', 'dimension1', 'premium');
  ga('crmpiccoregion.set', 'dimension1', 'premium');

  ga('crmpiccoglobal.send', 'pageview');
  ga('crmpiccoregion.send', 'pageview');

Solution 2:

If you use Google Tag Manager to load your Google Analytics and you don't know what tracker is being created, use this:

sendGa(name : string, data: any) {
    (<any>window).ga(() => {
        const trackers = (<any>window).ga.getAll();
        const firstTracker = trackers[0];
        const trackerName = firstTracker.get('name');
        (<any>window).ga(trackerName + '.' + name, data);


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