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Conditional Format Html Table Rows With Python

I must conditionally format rows of an html table that is generated with Python. I previously had to sort table columns and did so using javascript. Rather than conditionally forma

Solution 1:

So you'll need to add additional logic when you add your table rows:

## Create table with test information records#for tr in self.output_records:
    test_count += 1
    new_row, row_result = '', None#Modifiedfor fn in field_names:
        if fn == 'Result':
            if tr.Result > 4:
                fail_count += 1
                output_value, row_result = 'Fail', False#Modifiedelif tr.Result == 4:
                skip_count += 1
                output_value = 'Skipped'else:
                output_value, row_result = 'Success', True#Modifiedelif fn == 'Output':
            output_value = ''if tr.Output != '':
                output_value = '<a target="_blank" href=' + \
                                FILE_LINK + tr.Output + \
                                ' style="display:block;">Output</a>'elif fn == 'Execution_time':
            output_value = ('%d:%02d:%02d' %
            output_value = str(getattr(tr, fn))                    #Modified

        new_row += '<td>' + output_value + '</td>'#Added new line
    result_class = ''if row_result isNoneelse' class="{0}"'.format('selected'if row_result else'bad')
    new_row = '<tr{0}>{1}</tr>'.format(result_class, new_row)      #Modified


I introduced another variable row_result that will keep track of rows that pass or fail. Once that has been calculated, you can add that value to the row class (<tr class="") to stylize that row's output.

For the record, string building in loops is best accomplised by using the join method. Also, for a cleaner approach you can use .format to build out each line. You can see lots of evidence online.

Finally, don't use eval if you can avoid it. It can easily introduce vulnerabilities. For your case, you can use getattr to get the variable parameter name from tr.

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