Javascript Location.replace And Iframe
Solution 1:
If you use jQuery, you can use something like $('#saveFrame').attr('src', url)
. It should work for all browsers.
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Addressing an element via a variable which is implicitely created in the global scope is a proprietary "Internet Explorer" way that is most likely to going not work in other browsers (although Chrome supports this due to compatability reasons). You should always address an element through a Dom Selection Method either via:
// ordocument.getElementById(id)
For your case that would be:
// ordocument.getElementId('SaveFrame').src= url;
Solution 4:
This should work and it is fast loading for the webpage It worked for me...
onmouseover=" ('','YourTargetName'); this.onmouseover=null;"
The code "this.onmouseover=null;" means that it should only do it ONCE when it loads and not repeat the the attribute on a second mouse over, if you want it to repeat the attribute on a second mouse over then delete the "this.onmouseover=null;" from the code and make it look like this to load each time mouse is over:
onmouseover=" ('','YourTargetName');"
<ahref="#"onmouseover=" ('','YourTargetName');">
My Link</a>
Or try this:
OnClick=" ('','YourTargetName');"
<ahref="#"OnClick=" ('','YourTargetName');">
My Link</a>
<ahref=" ('','YourTargetName');">
My Link</a>
If you wish to use window.location.replace
to not update the history when loading the page or the frame, use links that look like this:
<ahref="#"onclick="YourTargetName.location.replace ('');">
The targeted Link</a>
<ahref="javascript:YourTargetName.location.replace ('');">
The targeted Link</a>
information: For this script all onclick
, onmouseover
, onmouseout
, onload
and href="javascript:"
will work.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the iframe has to have the name="YourTargetName", for example to look something like this:
<iframe id="SaveFrame" style="display: none" name="YourTargetName"></iframe>
Information: The difference between
and window.location.replace
or YourTargetName.location.replace
is that:
loads in the browser history.
- window.location.replace
or YourTargetName.location.replace
does not load history.
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