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Using Tween To Animate A Camera

I'm trying to ease camera rotation to look at a selected object in a graph. So far, I have fourd.render_loop.push(() => TWEEN.update()); fourd.intersect_callback = function(ve

Solution 1:

You can tween the camera's orientation (or rotation), but to do so, it is simplest to tween the camera's quaternion, instead.

var dummy = newTHREE.Camera(); // create these once and reusevar qStart = newTHREE.Quaternion();
var qEnd = newTHREE.Quaternion();

. . .

// tweenvar time = { t: 0 };

newTWEEN.Tween( time )
    .to( { t : 1 }, 1000 )
    .easing( TWEEN.Easing.Linear.None )
    .onStart( function() {

        dummy.position.copy( camera.position );
        dummy.lookAt( point ); // point is your target Vector3

        qStart.copy( camera.quaternion );

        qEnd.copy( dummy.quaternion );

    } )
    .onUpdate( function() {

        THREE.Quaternion.slerp( qStart, qEnd, camera.quaternion, time.t );

    } )
    .onComplete( function() {

        camera.quaternion.copy( qEnd ); // so it is exact

    } )

three.js r.88

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