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Anonymous Users With Parse Sdk

I'm aware that does not support Anonymous Users for the Javascript SDK which is what I'm using now. I've asked a Parse staff member what an alternative for those using th

Solution 1:

can you just generate a 'random' or a 'guid' and then plug that into User.username with password&email undefined... On the insert of that user, you have a valid Parse.User object that is anonymous. The return from the User.insert() is 'token' which never expire. You can use cookie to store the {"token":val, "username":val}.

Without a passwd, you never log the user in and will always be forced to call cloudcode where you can pass in the user's token (-H "X-Parse-Session-Token: rcid...") in place of a validated session established with 'login'.

I've used this technique in REST API where i want to onboard users without any input to text fields. They provide no info , only agreeing to use an anonymous cloud account.

Solution 2:

I know this answer is very late, but it's relevant because nothing has changed. There is no Class for Anonymous users in the Parse JS SDK.

The reason why you can create, save, edit and delete objects without having an User Session is because you can create objects that anyone can use; I.E, "Public Objects". You can set ACL credentials on these objects as well, but you will not be associating new objectsIds with userObjectIds and therefore will only be able to update said objects in Cloud Code using your apps MasterKey.

var Foo = Parse.Object.extend("Foo");
var foo = new Foo();

foo.set("message", "Hello Foo");{
  //foo was saved//anyone can edit it right now//make it disappear into a black hole//in other words, nobody can edit without Master Keyvar acl = new Parse.ACL();
  acl.setPublicReadAccess(false); //nobody can read it
  acl.setPublicWriteAccess(false);//nobody can write it
  //since foo was returned, we can still read it, but //we cannot edit it anymore...
  foo.set("message", "cannot update without Master Key");
  //this will not run
}, function(error){
  //catch error for cannot update foo 

In this example, I start off by creating the Foo object. Then I update the message column and save it. The saved object is returned and I create an ACL that will prevent anyone for reading and writing to Foo. Then I set Foos ACL and save it again. The saved object is returned and I try to update the message column again. This time an error occurs and the error callback logs the error. This happens because I cannot update foo anyone, unless I use the Master Key and that must take place in Cloud Code.

Parse.Cloud.useMasterKey(); //after second return of above

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