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Changing String To Number And Summing Up Digits

Here is what I have: Once you press the Translate button, the texarea will display 1. That is not what should happen. Our input is SCORE, so the outcome should be '19+3+15+18+5'.

Solution 1:

You can avoid storing "letter":"number" mapping, by taking advantage of Ascii values, just convert uppercase and subtract 64

functionm_o() {
    var value ="SCORE";
    var finalCount = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
        finalCount += (value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(i) - 64);

click for Fiddle Demo

Solution 2:

You get 1 as an output because of this parseInt's behavior:

If parseInt encounters a character that is not a numeral in the specified radix, it ignores it and all succeeding characters and returns the integer value parsed up to that point.

What I think you need is to use eval and use a + before each replacement:

Replace return r_o[matched]; with return "+"+r_o[matched]; and use:

value = parseInt(eval(value), 10);

Or if you are not considering eval, here is a custom function:

    var total= 0, s= s.match(/\+\d+/g) || [];
        total+= parseInt(s.shift());
    return total;

Here is your updated snippet:

// My globalsvar output = $("#output");

    var total= 0, s= s.match(/\+\d+/g) || [];
        total+= parseInt(s.shift());
    return total;

functionm_o() {
  // var input = $("#input");//   var value = input.val();var value = "SCORE";

  // Settingvar r_o = {
    // Setting #customizingA:  "1",
    B:  "2",
    C:  "3",
    D:  "4",
    E:  "5",
    F:  "6",
    G:  "7",
    H:  "8",
    I:  "9",
    J: "10",
    K: "11",
    L: "12",
    M: "13",
    N: "14",
    O: "15",
    P: "16",
    Q: "17",
    R: "18",
    S: "19",
    T: "20",
    U: "21",
    V: "22",
    W: "23",
    X: "24",
    Y: "25",
    Z: "26",

  // Translatingvar re = newRegExp(Object.keys(r_o).join("|"), "g");

  value = value.replace(re, function (matched) {

  value = sumup(value);

<!doctype html><html><head><title>5X Script</title></head><body><!--<textarea id="input">

Solution 3:

I feel like you are overcomplicating it. You could just go over each character in the string using a loop.

For each letter, check that it exists in the r_o object, and if so, get the corresponding value from the object and add it to the total.

Here is an example

// Translatingvar length = value.length; //how many characters in the string?var total = 0;  //what you will returnfor(let i=0; i < value.length; i++) //for each character in the string
     var m = value[i];
     if(r_o.hasOwnProperty(m)) total += r_o[m];
     //if the char is in the obj, add the corresponding value

  output.val(total);  //return the new total

Solution 4:

What you want is like this

var value = "SCORE";

 // Settingvar r_o = {
 // Setting #customizingA:  "1",
 B:  "2",
 C:  "3",
 D:  "4",
 E:  "5",
 F:  "6",
 G:  "7",
 H:  "8",
 I:  "9",
J: "10",
K: "11",
L: "12",
M: "13",
N: "14",
O: "15",
P: "16",
Q: "17",
R: "18",
S: "19",
T: "20",
U: "21",
V: "22",
W: "23",
X: "24",
Y: "25",
Z: "26",

// Translatingvar re = newRegExp(Object.keys(r_o).join("|"), "g");
var output =0;

 value.replace(re, function (matched) {
        output += parseInt(r_o[matched]);


Solution 5:

As far as I know, parseInt cannot evaluate expressions like you are doing. Anyways, I would suggest to use String.prototype.charCodeAt in order to make your code more readable and changing your functions and variables names.

EDIT: Just to make the answer more clear: what your are passing to parseInt is actually a string that contains an expression like "1 + 2 + 3 + 4"... What parseInt is trying to do is just parse the first integer it gets, in this case a 1. As the other told you, your solution seem really complicate and you should change it, but in case you are really happy with this solution (you shouldn't) you could change:

value = parseInt(value.split("").join(" + "), 10);


eval("value = " + value.split("").join(" + ") + ";");

There's actually another mistake in your code: you are doing a split(""). This can lead to an error when you replace a character with a 2 digit number, like 19 (this is why even with my solution, you'll get 33 instead of 60). Your RegEx replaces S with 19, but then, when you split and join, your 2 digits number is split in 1 and 9. A simple solution could be to add a whitespace when replacing and then using it to split the values, replacing:

return r_o[matched];


return' ' + r_o[matched];


eval("value = " + value.split("").join(" + ") + ";");


eval("value = " + value.split(" ").join(" + ") + ";");

Little explanation: Right now when you do your replacement you are actually replacing a character with <space><number>. You then use this space to split correctly the values and then joining them with the + operator. Finally, you evaluate the string "value = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4;.

This answer is just for an "educational" purpose, your code should be rewritten

Working snippet:

// My globalsvar output = $("#output");

functionm_o() {
  // var input = $("#input");//   var value = input.val();var value = "SCORE";

  // Settingvar r_o = {
    // Setting #customizingA:  "1",
    B:  "2",
    C:  "3",
    D:  "4",
    E:  "5",
    F:  "6",
    G:  "7",
    H:  "8",
    I:  "9",
    J: "10",
    K: "11",
    L: "12",
    M: "13",
    N: "14",
    O: "15",
    P: "16",
    Q: "17",
    R: "18",
    S: "19",
    T: "20",
    U: "21",
    V: "22",
    W: "23",
    X: "24",
    Y: "25",
    Z: "26",

  // Translatingvar re = newRegExp(Object.keys(r_o).join("|"), "g");

  value = value.replace(re, function (matched) {
    return' ' + r_o[matched];

  eval("value = " + value.split(' ').join(" + ") + ";");

<!doctype html><html><head><title>5X Script</title></head><body><!--<textarea id="input">

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