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I'm currently stuck. I have a webform with a button that registers or saves a record. What i'd like to is have it display a javascript alert and then redirect to a page. Here is th

Solution 1:

You can't do a Response.Redirect because your javascript alert will never get displayed. Better to have your javascript code actually do a windows.location.href='default.aspx' to do the redirection after the alert is displayed. Something like this:

protectedvirtualvoidDisplayAlert(string message)
      string.Format("alert('{0}');window.location.href = 'default.aspx'", 
        message.Replace("'", @"\'").Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\r", "\\r")),

Solution 2:

The DisplayAlert method adds the client script to the currently executing page request. When you call Response.Redirect, ASP.NET issues a HTTP 301 redirect to the browser, therefore starting a new page request where the registered client script no longer exists.

Since your code is executing on the server-side, there is no way to display the alert client-side and perform the redirect.

Also, displaying a JavaScript alert box can be confusing to a user's mental workflow, an inline message would be much more preferable. Perhaps you could add the message to the Session and display this on the Default.aspx page request.

    // Do save stuff
    Session["StatusMessage"] = "The changes were saved Successfully";

Then in Default.aspx.cs code behind (or a common base page class so this can happen on any page, or even the master page):

protectedvoidPage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string message = (string)Session["StatusMessage"];
        // Clear the session variable
        Session["StatusMessage"] = null;
        // Enable some control to display the message (control is likely on the master page)
        Label messageLabel = (Label)FindControl("MessageLabel");
        messageLabel.Visible = true;
        messageLabel.Text = message;

The code isn't tested but should point you in the right direction

Solution 3:

This works perfect:

string url = "home.aspx";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "callfunction", "alert('Saved Sucessfully.');window.location.href = '" + url + "';",true);

Solution 4:

    // Do save stuff    

    string sJavaScript = "<script language=javascript>\n";        
    sJavaScript += "var agree;\n";        
    sJavaScript += "agree = confirm('Do you want to continue?.');\n";        
    sJavaScript += "if(agree)\n";        
    sJavaScript += "window.location = \"\";\n";        
    sJavaScript += "</script>";      

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