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Calling A Jquery Function Named In A Variable

I have several jQuery function like function setOne(); setTwo(); setThree(); and a variable var number that values respectively 'one', 'two', 'three'. How can I call function 'set

Solution 1:

If you have your function in the global scope (on the window object) you can do:

// calls function setOne, setTwo, ... depending on number.
window["set" + number](); 

And using eval will allow you to run functions in local scope:

eval("set" + number + "()");

When is JavaScript's eval()not evil?

Solution 2:

Create a name -> function map:

var funcs = {
    'one': setOne,
    'two': setTwo

Then you call the function with:


Solution 3:

If the variable details the actual name of the JQuery function and you want to apply the function to a DOM element like 'body', you can do the following:


Solution 4:

Provided your functions are in the global scope, try:

functionsetOne() {
  console.log('setOne called');
functionsetTwo() {
  console.log('setTwo called');
functionsetThree() {
  console.log('setThree called');

varnumber, funcName;

number = 'one';
funcName = 'set' + number.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + number.slice(1);
window[funcName](); // output: setOne callednumber = 'two';
funcName = 'set' + number.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + number.slice(1);
window[funcName](); // output: setTwo callednumber = 'three';
funcName = 'set' + number.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + number.slice(1);
window[funcName](); // output: setThree called

Solution 5:

As simple as this is:

var str = "hello";

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