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Open Popup At Clicked Position

Hi, I have done a popup which is by default hidden and opened whenever a click is triggered on window. Popup must be shown at wherever the event is triggered.But there are some

Solution 1:

maybe you can load the windowW/H in the init time and out of your function.

The concept is use the mouseY-scrolled high, because the mouseY is related to the use this:


      var bodyTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop;
      //window.outerWidth is not working in IEvar windowWidth  = $(window).outerWidth();
      var windowHeight = $(window).outerHeight();
      if(mouseY-bodyTop+popupHeight > windowHeight)
      //set the position first. remove the position attr in css   

Solution 2:

Finally, I could done it by having small changes...This is the piece of code that works fine...

     border:1px solid;
 </style><script>var mouseX,mouseY,windowWidth,windowHeight;
   var  popupLeft,popupTop;

           mouseX = e.pageX;
           mouseY = e.pageY;
           //To Get the relative positionif( this.offsetLeft !=undefined)
             mouseX = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
           if( this.offsetTop != undefined)
             mouseY = e.pageY; - this.offsetTop;

           if(mouseX < 0)
                mouseX =0;
           if(mouseY < 0)
               mouseY = 0;

           windowWidth  = $(window).width()+$(window).scrollLeft();
           windowHeight = $(window).height()+$(window).scrollTop();

      var popupWidth  = $('div').outerWidth();
      var popupHeight =  $('div').outerHeight();

      if(mouseX+popupWidth > windowWidth)
        popupLeft = mouseX-popupWidth;
       popupLeft = mouseX;

      if(mouseY+popupHeight > windowHeight)
        popupTop = mouseY-popupHeight;
        popupTop = mouseY; 

    if( popupLeft < $(window).scrollLeft()){
     popupLeft = $(window).scrollLeft();

    if( popupTop < $(window).scrollTop()){
     popupTop = $(window).scrollTop();

     if(popupLeft < 0 || popupLeft == undefined)
           popupLeft = 0;
      if(popupTop < 0 || popupTop == undefined)
           popupTop = 0;

         s dflasld fsadf
         sdfas dfsadf

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