Can Anybody Generate Opencv.js?
Solution 1:
You can find a nightly build at and some useful stuff at .
Solution 2:
I'm still not able to build it from source.
But this version of opencv.js worked for me on MacOS
Solution 3:
I'll just list out the parts where installation was slightly different from what was outlined in
For installing Binaryen, make sure you cd into the emsdk directory and then run these:
./emsdk install binaryen-master-64bit
./emsdk activate binaryen-master-64bit
From the official docs,
python ./platforms/js/ build_js
doesn't work because you need to add an additional flag --emscripten_dir to specify where the correct path. Note that you want the folder below the emsdk root directory, typically /fastcomp/emscripten/ (for the older “fastcomp” compiler; for the newer upstream LLVM wasm backend it will be /upstream/emscripten/).
I personally used the /upstream/emscripten one
So run this:
python /Users/fangran/opencv/platforms/js/ build_wasm --build_wasm --emscripten_dir /Users/fangran/emsdk/upstream/emscripten
And it should work and return:
========== Build finished=====
OpenCV.js location: /Users/fangran/opencv/build_wasm/bin/opencv.js
For more details: refer to this link
Solution 4:
Looks like Emscripten doesn't setup the enviroment variable correctly to the SDK
For anyone trying to get this to build you need to specify the correct path to the Emscripten
which is the path where Emscripten is installed found in emsdk/upstream/emscripten
python ./platforms/js/ build_js --emscripten_dir=/home/username/Desktop/emsdk/upstream/emscripten
This should then work
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