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How Select Data With Given Condition

I have following data. { 'name' : 'Maria', 'facebook' : [ { 'data' : '', 'privacy' : true } ], 'twitter' : [

Solution 1:


having structure like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("575e4c8731dcfb59af388e1d"),
    "name" : "Maria",
    "providers" : [ 
            "type" : "facebook",
            "data" : "",
            "privacy" : true
            "type" : "twitter",
            "data" : "",
            "privacy" : false
            "type" : "google",
            "data" : "",
            "privacy" : true
            "type" : "phno",
            "data" : "+1-1289741824124",
            "privacy" : true

with query like this:

            $project : {
                _id : 1,
                name : 1,
                "providers" : {
                    $filter : {
                        input : "$providers",
                        as : "p",
                        cond : {
                            $eq : ["$$p.privacy", true]

we are gaining dynamic output, and we don't need to take care about provider name as this is covered by generic structure


end of edit

The way you could get this is using aggregation framework. As we have an array for each field, we need to unwind it first, then we can use $project to set field value or simply null. As this looks like a simple query, it could give a bit of trouble. The way we can improve that is change a document structure, to have an array of providers and simple providerType field.

Aggregation stages below:

var unwindFb = {
    $unwind : "$facebook"
var unwindtw = {
    $unwind : "$twitter"
var unwindgo = {
    $unwind : "$google"
var unwindph = {
    $unwind : "$phno"
var project = {
    $project : {
        _id : 1,
        name : 1, // list other fields here

        facebook : {
            $cond : {
                if  : {
                    $gte : ["$facebook.privacy", true]
            then : [{
                    data : "$",
                    privacy : "$facebook.privacy"
            else  : null
    twitter : {
        $cond : {
            if  : {
                $gte : ["$twitter.privacy", true]
        then : [{
                data : "$",
                privacy : "$twitter.privacy"
        else  : null
google : {
    $cond : {
        if  : {
            $gte : ["$google.privacy", true]
    then : [{
            data : "$",
            privacy : "$google.privacy"
    else  : null
phno : {
    $cond : {
        if  : {
            $gte : ["$phno.privacy", true]
    then : [{
            data : "$",
            privacy : "$phno.privacy"
    else  : null

db.maria.aggregate([unwindFb, unwindtw, unwindgo, unwindph, project])

then output looks like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("575df49d31dcfb59af388e1a"),
    "name" : "Maria",
    "facebook" : [ 
            "data" : "",
            "privacy" : true
    "twitter" : null,
    "google" : [ 
            "data" : "",
            "privacy" : true
    "phno" : [ 
            "data" : "+1-1289741824124",
            "privacy" : true

Solution 2:

you can use the below code to iterate the object and check for the privacy true

var list = {

"name" : "Maria",
"facebook" : [
        "data" : "",
        "privacy" : true
"twitter" : [
        "data" : "",
        "privacy" : false
"google" : [
        "data" : "",
        "privacy" : true
"phno" : [
        "data" : "+1-1289741824124",
        "privacy" : true


$.each(Object.keys(list), function(index,value){

Solution 3:

If you are open to use lodash ...this is how you can do it...

var tmp  = { json here 

    var res =[];//result array of filtered data
     _.forIn(tmp, function (o) {
                    if (Array.isArray(o)) {
                        if (o[0].privacy === true) {

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