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What Is Xpath For Itemcode="j" Air Filled Cylinders Dddfdf ''@#


Solution 1:

Your usecase is quite tricky.

Depending on which scraping language you use, maybe(I'm not able to test in the moment) use something like this (example JavaScript):

let xpath = '//td[text()=concat(\'"J" AIR FILLED CYLINDERS DDDFDF \',"\'\'\'\'@#") ]';

This wil construct this XPath:

//td[text()=concat('"J" AIR FILLED CYLINDERS DDDFDF ',"''''@#") ]

Meaning: in the case that there is a combi of single or double quotes in your ItemCode you have to build a XPath using the XPath-concat() function.

See these answers answer and this answer and this question.

Solution 2:

See if this works

driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//td[@class='edit-cell ui-state-highlight']").text

Solution 3:

If I understand what you are trying to do, is to locate element according to it's text. If so, please try this:

String locator = "//td[contains(text(),'%s')]";
locator = String.format(locator,"'J' AIR FILLED CYLINDERS DDDFDF ''@#");

here you can pass any relevant value inside the format() to format a specific XPath locator

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