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Splitting A File Before Upload?

On a webpage, is it possible to split large files into chunks before the file is uploaded to the server? For example, split a 10MB file into 1MB chunks, and upload one chunk at a t

Solution 1:

You can try Plupload. It can be configured to check whatever runtime is available on users side, be it - Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, Gears, etc, and use whichever satisfies required features first. Among other things it supports image resizing (on users side, preserving EXIF data(!)), stream and multipart upload, and chunking. Files can be chunked on users side, and sent to a server-side handler chunk-by-chunk (requires some additional care on server), so that big files can be uploaded to a server having max filesize limit set to a value much lower then their size, for example. And more.

Some runtimes support https I believe, some need testing. Anyway, developers on there are quite responsive these days. So you might at least try ;)

Solution 2:

The only option I know of that would allow this would be a signed Java applet.

Unsigned applets and Flash movies have no filesystem access, so they wouldn't be able to read the file data. Flash is able to upload files, but most of that is handled by the built-in Flash implementation and from what I remember the file contents would never be exposed to your code.

Solution 3:

There is no JavaScript solution for that selection of browsers. There is the File API but whilst it works in newer Firefox and Chrome versions it's not going to happen in IE (no sign of it in IE9 betas yet either).

In any case, reading the file locally and uploading it via XMLHttpRequest is inefficient because XMLHttpRequest does not have the ability to send pure binary, only Unicode text. You can encode binary into text using base-64 (or, if you are really dedicated, a custom 7-bit encoding of your own) but this will be less efficient than a normal file upload.

You can certainly do uploads with Flash (see SWFUpload et al), or even Java if you must (Jumploader... I wouldn't bother, these days, though, as Flash prevalence is very high and the Java plugin continues to decline). You won't necessarily get the low-level control to split into chunks, but do you really need that? What for?

Another possible approach is to use a standard HTML file upload field, and when submit occurs set an interval call to poll the server with XMLHttpRequest, asking it how far the file upload is coming along. This requires a bit of work on the server end to store the current upload progress in the session or database, so another request can read it. It also means using a form parsing library that gives you progress callback, which most standard language built-in ones like PHP's don't.

Whatever you do, take a ‘progressive enhancement’ approach, allowing browsers with no support to fall back to a plain HTML upload. Browsers do typically have an upload progress bar for HTML file uploads, it just tends to be small and easily missed.

Solution 4:

Do you specifically need it two be in X chunks? Or are you trying to solve the problems cause by uploading large files? (e.g. can't restart an upload on the client side, server side crashes when the entire file is uploaded and held in memory all at once)

Search for streaming upload components. It depends on what technologies you are working with as to which component you will prefer jsp,, etc. This one is a server side product Here are some more pointers to various uploaders

some try to manage memory on the server,e.g. so the entire huge file isn´t in memory at one time, some try to manage the client side experience.

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