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Displaying Selected Values In Drop-down List With Multple = On

I'm trying to display ALL selected values in a drop down list. The code shown below works to display only the first value however I'm struggling on understanding how to get it to

Solution 1:

Why not use jQuery when you can?

functionmyFunction() {
    var x = $('#car').val()
    $('#demo').html("You selected: " + x.join(", "))
$('#car').change(function() {
<scriptsrc=""></script><p>Select a new car from the list.</p><selectid="car"name="Car"multiple="on"size="5"><optionvalue="Audi">Audi
The car is:

Solution 2:

Here you go:

functionmyFunction() {
    var sSelected = '';
    []  document.querySelectorAll('#Car :checked')  , function(elm){
       	if(sSelected !== '') sSelected += ', ';
    	 sSelected += elm.value;
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "You selected: " + sSelected;
<p>Select a new car from the list.</p><selectid="Car"multiple="on"size="5"onchange="myFunction()"><optionvalue="Audi">Audi
The car is:

I updated the function, and note the select now has an ID.

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