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Showing posts from May, 2024

Jquery Unrecognized Expression On Ajax Response

I have this JQuery Ajax Form. $('#modal-body-sign-in').on('submit', '#sign-in&#… Read more Jquery Unrecognized Expression On Ajax Response

How To Create An Angular Datepicker Directive That Uses Ng-model

I have created an angular directive for my jQuery UI datepicker. The problem is that the directive … Read more How To Create An Angular Datepicker Directive That Uses Ng-model

Label Inside Updatepanel Will Not Show Value Assigned From Code-behind

I'm at my wits end here. I've defined a user control for a modal that lets users change a p… Read more Label Inside Updatepanel Will Not Show Value Assigned From Code-behind

Chartjs - Tooltip With Rupee Symbol

I am using tooltip for my chart like this :- var opt = { .... a… Read more Chartjs - Tooltip With Rupee Symbol

Moving Image On Scroll Through Svg Path

I want to move object through svg path on scroll=) I was trying to add parts of path on scroll into… Read more Moving Image On Scroll Through Svg Path

Drop Down Menu To Remember Selection And Redirect User

I am making a landing page with a drop down menu which will redirect users to a new directory. htt… Read more Drop Down Menu To Remember Selection And Redirect User

Retrieve Values From Json Encoded String

I am storing a concatenated string like this: echo json_encode($PostedDate.$Places.$Company.$Design… Read more Retrieve Values From Json Encoded String

Durandal Event In Widgets

So I have yet another DurandalJS question. So I have a few widgets that are pretty much self contai… Read more Durandal Event In Widgets

Populate An Input With The Contents Of A Custom Option (data-) Attribute

In the example below, I'm trying to populate an input with the contents of the … Read more Populate An Input With The Contents Of A Custom Option (data-) Attribute

Jquery Getjson - Return Value To The Caller Function

String.prototype.getLanguage = function() { $.getJSON('… Read more Jquery Getjson - Return Value To The Caller Function

Changing Pointer, After Already Changing Default Cursor

I'm creating a stylized page, and have already changed the default cursor, but it goes back to … Read more Changing Pointer, After Already Changing Default Cursor

React And Flex Layout How To Use Them

I am trying to use React and flexbox.Normally i can use flexbox at react native but icouldnt achive… Read more React And Flex Layout How To Use Them

How To Export Table Displayed On Jsp To Pdf In Java Strust2

This is my data display in table format. I want to show as it is in PDF without using display tag l… Read more How To Export Table Displayed On Jsp To Pdf In Java Strust2

Figuring Out How Much Of The Side Of A Cube Is Visible

I have a simple Three.js scene with a camera that orbits around a cube, always looking directly at … Read more Figuring Out How Much Of The Side Of A Cube Is Visible

Meteor App Ran With Pm2 Fatal Error: Call_and_retry_last Allocation Failed - Javascript Heap Out Of Memory

I am using meteor. I build my app with meteor build. Then I try to run it with pm2 MONGO_URL=mongod… Read more Meteor App Ran With Pm2 Fatal Error: Call_and_retry_last Allocation Failed - Javascript Heap Out Of Memory

Run A Svelte App From File:// With No Sever

I need to run a Svelte app and be able to execute it without a server. With other frameworks this … Read more Run A Svelte App From File:// With No Sever

Scrolling Blocks Of Variable Width Images In Gallery

TASK DETAILS: There is gallery on page, all images previews are loaded on page. Images are shown … Read more Scrolling Blocks Of Variable Width Images In Gallery

Ajax Post Json Data From Javascript To Grails

I'm trying to POST JSON formatted data from Javascript (using Prototype) to Grails. My Javascri… Read more Ajax Post Json Data From Javascript To Grails

Es6 Modules' Path Resolution Failure

I am trying to use the new ES6 features in Chrome 60 (by enabling Experimental Web Platform). This … Read more Es6 Modules' Path Resolution Failure

How To Make A Local Offline Database

I'm making a to-do list application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I think the best way fo… Read more How To Make A Local Offline Database

Update Login Date With Logout Date Using Mysql And Nodejs

I have a userregister table. First i need to check for same day if there is multiple login by same … Read more Update Login Date With Logout Date Using Mysql And Nodejs

How To Use 'this' In Angular With D3?

Tldr; How do I deal with this in reference to a D3 object when Angular binds this to the class (com… Read more How To Use 'this' In Angular With D3?

Best Way To Check If 3 Textboxes Are Empty

I have 3 textboxes and I want to check if put together they all add up to greater than blank. What&… Read more Best Way To Check If 3 Textboxes Are Empty

Add Array Together, Display Sum

What i am trying to do is take the user input which is numbers then add those numbers together and … Read more Add Array Together, Display Sum

Calculate A Minus Operation In Javascript Returns A Incorrect Value

This is my javascript code : var dsum = 0.0; $.each($('#Report tbody tr'), function () { … Read more Calculate A Minus Operation In Javascript Returns A Incorrect Value

How Can I Use Deflated/gzipped Content With An Xhr Onprogress Function?

I've seen a bunch of similar questions to this get asked before, but I haven't found one th… Read more How Can I Use Deflated/gzipped Content With An Xhr Onprogress Function?

Jquery Check If Browser Support Position: Fixed

How do I check if browser supports position:fixed using jQuery. I assume I have to use $.support I … Read more Jquery Check If Browser Support Position: Fixed

How To Get A Dom Element's ::before Content With Javascript?

I want to know whether it is possible to get a DOM element's ::before content, which was set by… Read more How To Get A Dom Element's ::before Content With Javascript?

Jquery Fadein Fadeout With Setinterval Working Sporadically

I have a bunch of images that need to rotate in and out one at a time every 2 seconds with fancy JQ… Read more Jquery Fadein Fadeout With Setinterval Working Sporadically

Not Able To Load The Script File Inside Another Script File

Not able to load the script file inside another script file when using $.getJson(); inside the load… Read more Not Able To Load The Script File Inside Another Script File

0x800a1391 - Javascript Runtime Error: 'stage' Is Undefined

I'm trying to do this tutorial:… Read more 0x800a1391 - Javascript Runtime Error: 'stage' Is Undefined

How To Change Position Of Semantic Ui Sidebar For Different Screen Sizes?

I am using a Semantic UI sidebar — it's a standard setup: Solution 1: Mo… Read more How To Change Position Of Semantic Ui Sidebar For Different Screen Sizes?

How To Export Last 3s Data Of A Web Audio Stream

Question: I am using web audio API. I need to buffer a non-stop audio stream, like a radio stream. … Read more How To Export Last 3s Data Of A Web Audio Stream

Javascript/jquery Only Gets Executed On First Visit, Cookie Prevents It From Executing Again

How can I make JavaScript (or jQuery) code only execute on the visitor's first visit and never … Read more Javascript/jquery Only Gets Executed On First Visit, Cookie Prevents It From Executing Again

Using Promise Callbacks For Multiple Events Without Global Variables

I have a promise wrapped in a function. I will call this function multiple times using different in… Read more Using Promise Callbacks For Multiple Events Without Global Variables

Hide And Show Function Not Working In Safari

This function should stop displaying the #bt_pagamento and start showing the #bt_loading. But Safar… Read more Hide And Show Function Not Working In Safari

Input Scrollleft Never Changes In Ie11

I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or if this is a bug in IE11. Open this demo in IE11: http:… Read more Input Scrollleft Never Changes In Ie11

Underscore.js, Why Does `isfunction` Use `|| False`?

The optional override for isFunction(object) in Underscore.js (repo link to definition), reads as f… Read more Underscore.js, Why Does `isfunction` Use `|| False`?

How To Write Html Inside Ipython Dialog Box?

How can I write html as html (not as HTML String) inside IPython Dialog? For example: I have a Ipy… Read more How To Write Html Inside Ipython Dialog Box?

What Is The Use Of ("*") In Jquery

I am reading jQuery, i don't know why use ('*') please explain it's helpful Read more What Is The Use Of ("*") In Jquery

Asp Mvc 2 Dynamic Href By Javascript

Here is the deal: My link: <% =Html.ActionLink('Scheme', null, null, null, new { @id = &… Read more Asp Mvc 2 Dynamic Href By Javascript

Localization: Php And Javascript

I'm thinking of the best way to localize my website. I am using Laravel, which already has a ph… Read more Localization: Php And Javascript

Google-places Bug In Firefox Browser

I use google-places-autocomplete for fill fields address (address ,city,country,postal code, latitt… Read more Google-places Bug In Firefox Browser

Form Is Not Clearing Values In Success Function Of $.ajax, Using Angular

I have a form in that, I am using angualr.js. I am binding input values to angular variables. After… Read more Form Is Not Clearing Values In Success Function Of $.ajax, Using Angular

Foundation Zurb Unable To Change Tooltip Text

I’m having a problem changing the tooltip text on runtime after the tooltip text has already been s… Read more Foundation Zurb Unable To Change Tooltip Text

Posting Form Data Jquery

I am trying to build a mobile app but am having some trouble getting the basics of Jquery/Javascrip… Read more Posting Form Data Jquery

Event Bubbling In React Doesn't Stop Using E.preventdefault()

I have an under a , the input has an onChange event, however when the input is clicked a click eve… Read more Event Bubbling In React Doesn't Stop Using E.preventdefault()

Jest Test Fails For Async Function That Calls Another Async Function

I am trying to test an async function that uses data returned by another async function. Here is th… Read more Jest Test Fails For Async Function That Calls Another Async Function

Issues With Files Loading Based On Path

I'm using rails 2, and in one of the plugin I'm working on, I found this weird issue, I'… Read more Issues With Files Loading Based On Path

How To Send An Image From A Java Applet To Javascript?

I have a Java Applet that is generating an image. Ultimately, I would like to insert the image data… Read more How To Send An Image From A Java Applet To Javascript?

Creating And Structuring The Index Page

I have a test website is has the two menu items 'Home' and 'About… Read more Creating And Structuring The Index Page

Any Jquery 1.3 Compatible Plugin To Filter Dropdown Using User Text Input Plus Grouping Based On Number Of Input Strings Matched

Just wanted to know if there already is plugin for this, otherwise I am going to code myself. Follo… Read more Any Jquery 1.3 Compatible Plugin To Filter Dropdown Using User Text Input Plus Grouping Based On Number Of Input Strings Matched

Optimize Javascript Pre-load Of Images

I was wondering if anyone has any strategies for optimizing the pre-loading of images via javascrip… Read more Optimize Javascript Pre-load Of Images

Requirejs Text Plugin And Variable Concatenated String

I'm using RequireJS text plugin to load some html templates. When I passing a string literal to… Read more Requirejs Text Plugin And Variable Concatenated String

Firefox: Navigator.getusermedia Is Not A Function

I'm playing with browser and audio. I'm doing this var session = { audio:… Read more Firefox: Navigator.getusermedia Is Not A Function

How To Trick React Router Into Thinking `/` Is The Mount Directory?

Let's say I have a simple react app: import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from &#… Read more How To Trick React Router Into Thinking `/` Is The Mount Directory?

How To Deal With Unexpected Use Of Comma Operator No-sequences Eslint Warning

I am getting an eslint warning for unexpected use of comma. I found this answer but it does not mat… Read more How To Deal With Unexpected Use Of Comma Operator No-sequences Eslint Warning

What To Do When An Api Doesn't Allow Access-control-allow-origin

I'm driving crazy with all this same-origin-policy thing. When I try to do a request to the Goo… Read more What To Do When An Api Doesn't Allow Access-control-allow-origin

Calculate Average Of Duplicates In A Javascript Array Of Objects

I have an array of objects: [ {'market': 'Qacha's nek','commodity': 55,… Read more Calculate Average Of Duplicates In A Javascript Array Of Objects

Jquery Wrap First N Number Of Elements Into One New Elements And Rest N Into Another New Element Using Slice

i am trying to wrap some elements within a div, logic goes like this if i have 10 div elements with… Read more Jquery Wrap First N Number Of Elements Into One New Elements And Rest N Into Another New Element Using Slice

Detect If A Web User Is Currently Logged In Google?

Suppose I want to display certain content only if I know the user coming to my website has a valid … Read more Detect If A Web User Is Currently Logged In Google?

Angular 2 Routerstatesnapshot Not Returning Correct Url

I'm trying to get the redirect after login working based on the documentation from angular. htt… Read more Angular 2 Routerstatesnapshot Not Returning Correct Url

Set And Load Table Data With Cookie

I'm trying to learn about cookies here, but I can't seem to figure them out with tables. I … Read more Set And Load Table Data With Cookie

Find And Remove All Non Numbers From Array In Javascript W/out Jquery

There was a question on a coding interview and I felt like it would be easy by using isNaN within a… Read more Find And Remove All Non Numbers From Array In Javascript W/out Jquery

Chrome Extension - Javascript Origins For Google Api

I'm trying to make my Chrome extension upload files to Google Drive, but I'm stuck on autho… Read more Chrome Extension - Javascript Origins For Google Api

How To Open Jquery Ui Dialog With Ajax Request?

On my web page I have a jQuery UI Dialog. When I click the button (create new user) it opens a new… Read more How To Open Jquery Ui Dialog With Ajax Request?

Convert Date Format To 'yyyymmdd'

In Javascript, I have date string as shown below: var dateStr = 'Wed Mar 25 2015 05:30:00 GMT+0… Read more Convert Date Format To 'yyyymmdd'

How To Use Source Map To Find Minification Error

I work with Angular and RequireJS. I tried to use RequireJS optimization, and now my application is… Read more How To Use Source Map To Find Minification Error