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Using Dropbox V2 Api From Browser

I'm trying to upload data to dropbox via webbrowser (FF 42.0, PhantomJS 1.9.8) and dropbox v2 api. My function looks like this function(path, data, callback) { $.ajax({

Solution 1:

Technically, Firefox is just adhering to the W3C XMLHttpRequest spec:

Sending anything other than a Blob or ArrayBufferView can cause issues with browsers attempting to encode the data in UTF-8 (to follow the spec).

The right thing to do here is to avoid sending data as a String. Here are two examples of how to avoid this behavior:

// ... file selected from a file <input>
file =[0];
    url: '',type: 'post',
    data: file,
    processData: false,
    contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
    headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + ACCESS_TOKEN,
        "Dropbox-API-Arg": '{"path": "/test_ff_upload.txt","mode": "add","autorename": true,"mute": false}'
    success: function (data) {

Or, if you want to send up text, you can UTF-8 encode the text before uploading yourself. A modern way to do this is using TextEncoder:

var data = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("Test");
    url: '',type: 'post',
    data: data,
    processData: false,
    contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
    headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + ACCESS_TOKEN,
        "Dropbox-API-Arg": '{"path": "/test_ff_upload.txt","mode": "add","autorename": true,"mute": false}'
    success: function (data) {

Solution 2:

Try this...

privatevoidupload(object sender, EventArgs e)

                  { "path", Path.Combine(this.CurrentPath, Path.GetFileName(openFileDialog1.FileName)).Replace("\\", "/") },
                  { "overwrite","false"},
                  { "autorename","false"},

               callback : Upload_Result

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