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How Make Promise Execute Synchronously?

I use dom-to-image.js for converting dom to png image. As dom-to-image.js uses promise, the code executes asynchronously. I want to execute .then function synchronously. I have the

Solution 1:

There are of course legit reasons to force synchronous execution of a promise in js. The most obvious is when require'ing a file that needs to initialize using some asynchronous stuff, and optimization is not an overriding concern.

Seems like the package synchronized-promise seems like it ought to do the trick. In your case (warning - untested..):

constdti = () => docstoimage.toPng(document.getElementById("main"))
  .then(dataUrl =>console.log('url: ', dataUrl))
  .catch(err =>console.error('oops: ', err))

const sp = require('synchronized-promise')
const syncDti = sp(dti)
syncDti() // performs the 'synchronized version'console.log("this console should be executed afterwards")

Solution 2:

Try this:

asyncfunctiondoStuff(arg) {console.log(arg + "Assume this is a useful async function")}

doStuff.apply(/* What to specify as this */this, /* List of args */ ["hello world "])

Solution 3:

For those stumbling upon this now:

If you're not concerned with IE support, you could use async and await to execute the promise as though it were synchronous. The await syntax will pause execution of the function until the promise resolves, letting you write the code as if there wasn't a promise. To catch an error, you wrap it in a try/catch block.

The only catch is that using the await syntax requires you to wrap it inside a function declared with async.

asyncfunctiontoPng() {
  try {
    let dataUrl = await domtoimage.toPng(document.getElementById("main"));
  catch (error ) {
    console.error('oops, something went wrong!', error);

  console.log("this console should be executed after console.log(dataUrl)")

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