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How To Write Reusable Controllers Code For Views

I'm writing an application based on framework. I'm using dojo 1.9. Some views of the application are really similar and have a lot of things in common so I would like

Solution 1:

Like @tik27 said, dojox/app might be your solution. However, we found that the documentation of the dojox/app section was lacking good examples so to lower the learning curve for other people, we made our own small framework (for dojox/mobile with IBM Worklight) which improves reusability.

We actually made a "base controller" module, extending dojox/mobile/View using a template like this:

], function(declare, View, TemplatedMixin) {
    returndeclare([View, TemplatedMixin], {
        templateString: "<header>My header</header> ${!content} <footer>footer</footer>", 
        content: null// Default content

As you can see we have a standard template with a header and a footer, but we also use a placeholder called content. The general part of the template (in this case that header/footer) can you put here.

The view/controller modules extending this base controller look like this:

], function(declare, ControllerMixin) {
    returndeclare([ControllerMixin], {
        content: "This is the content"

Because we enter the content property here, it will be placed at the position of the ${!content} we earlier defined.

If you need ot use widgets in your template you can also choose dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin

Solution 2:

It turns out that the best solution for me is to use dojox/app, as suggested by @tik27.

I was trying to extend the controller module associated to the view (see AppControllers/View1.js in the config below) but that module is simply mixed to the View. If I want to get a classy handling of the Views I can leverage the type property (see again the config json excerpt below).



To do this I have to simply extend dojox/app/View in my my/GenericView which will contain custom properties and methods. Then I can write SpecializedViews extending my/GenericView:


], function(declare, View) {
    returndeclare("my/GenericView",[View], {
        customProp: "example", // Default content
            //do something


], function(declare, GenericView) {
    returndeclare(GenericView, {
            console.log(this.customProp);//will print "example"
            this.inherited(arguments);//recall parent class' method//extend parent class' method

Anyway, the title of this question refers to dojox/mobile so you can find a fully dojox/mobile example il this jsfiddle by @Dimitri M

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