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Scroll The A Growing Page To The Bottom

I have a page. when I scroll it manually, it grows and then I can scroll it again and again until the scroll arrives to the bottom (a good example is a facebook timeline page). I t

Solution 1:

window.scroll(0, document.height) will scroll to the known scrollable area. The problem is that more data are downloaded when you reach bottom of the page. So, the scrollable area is changed. You need to scroll as many times as required.

for example use this script

var timeId = setInterval( function() {


On some pages, window.scrollY will never be equal to document.body.scrollHeight, so setIntervanl will never be cleared : this will prevent you to go to top.

var timeId = setInterval( function() {

Solution 2:

Unfortunately there is no event that triggers when the total height of the page changes. Therefore there are two possible solutions:

You can use an timer to 'blindly' scroll to the bottom every interval.

setInterval(function () { window.scroll(0, document.height); }, 100);

Or you can scroll to the bottom every time the height changes, using the 'DOMSubtreeModified' event. This event fires every time anything changes in the document, so it might slow down your browser if you are changing the DOM very frequently. This solution however will guarantee that you instantly scroll to the bottom when the page grows.

//scroll to bottom when anything changes in the dom tree.var height = document.height;
document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function () {
    if (document.height != height) {
        height = document.height;
        window.scroll(0, height);

Solution 3:

The following two functions will force your page to scroll when new content loads:


var attachScrollModified = function () {
    document.addEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', function () {
        this.removeEventListener('DOMSubtreeModified', arguments.callee, false);
        window.scroll(0, getBottomElemPos());

var getBottomElemPos = function () {
    var scrollElem = document.getElementById("scrollElem");
    if (scrollElem) {
    scrollElem = document.createElement("div"); = "scrollElem";
    return scrollElem.offsetTop;

Example at :

place those in a <script> on your page, and then call:


That said, this may cause an infinite loop of continuously ajax-ing more content.

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