Avoid Crossing Of Geometries
I would like to work with this code: Unfortunately, the geometries sometimes cross. How is it possible to avoid that? Would be very thankful for help!
Solution 1:
Calculate the center of the bounding box of the points and sort the points by the angle of the vector from the center to the point:
let ax = vertices.map(v => v.x);
let ay = vertices.map(v => v.y);
let cx = (Math.min(...ax) + Math.max(...ax)) / 2;
let cy = (Math.min(...ay) + Math.max(...ay)) / 2;
vertices.sort((a, b) => {
let v1 = p5.Vector.sub(a, createVector(cx, cy));
let v2 = p5.Vector.sub(b, createVector(cx, cy));
returnMath.atan2(v1.y, v1.x) - Math.atan2(v2.y, v2.x);
In the following example, the lines that form the center point to the vertices are drawn to visualize the algorithm:
let vertices = [];
let cx, cy
functionsetup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
let numberOfVertices = random(3, 11); //pick the number of pointsfor (let i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++) {
vertices.push(createVector(random(width), random(height))); //add a point to the list of points
let ax = vertices.map(v => v.x);
let ay = vertices.map(v => v.y);
cx = (Math.min(...ax) + Math.max(...ax)) / 2;
cy = (Math.min(...ay) + Math.max(...ay)) / 2;
vertices.sort((a, b) => {
let v1 = p5.Vector.sub(a, createVector(cx, cy));
let v2 = p5.Vector.sub(b, createVector(cx, cy));
returnMath.atan2(v1.y, v1.x) - Math.atan2(v2.y, v2.x);
functiondraw() {
fill(255, 0, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
vertex(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y);//place each vertex
stroke(255, 255, 255);
for (let i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
line(cx, cy, vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y);
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