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Showing posts from August, 2022

How To Link To Another Php Page Using Onclick Event From Javascript?

I am currently having issues with making buttons based on an array of information on customers. I h… Read more How To Link To Another Php Page Using Onclick Event From Javascript?

Serialize HTML Form To JSON With Pure JavaScript

I have seen this method of serializing a form to JSON and it's working fine. My question is: Ho… Read more Serialize HTML Form To JSON With Pure JavaScript

Openlayers Vector Features Z-indexing

Im having hard time trying to understand the z-indexing of the vector features. When i was searchin… Read more Openlayers Vector Features Z-indexing

Passing An ActionScript JPG Byte Array To Javascript (and Eventually To PHP)

Our web application has a feature which uses Flash (AS3) to take photos using the user's web ca… Read more Passing An ActionScript JPG Byte Array To Javascript (and Eventually To PHP)

How Can I Rewrite Links With JavaScript Or JQuery And A Regular Expression?

Looking to modify Yahoo Answers links to remove some parts, saving just the qid and replacing index… Read more How Can I Rewrite Links With JavaScript Or JQuery And A Regular Expression?

Is It Possible To Pass An EJS Variable To An Angular Ng-repeat Filter?

I have a profile page that can render a user's name in plain text using <%= … Read more Is It Possible To Pass An EJS Variable To An Angular Ng-repeat Filter?

Extending NextJS Default Types With Typescript

Currently I'm doing it like this router.d.ts import { useRouter } from 'next/router' … Read more Extending NextJS Default Types With Typescript

D3 - Show/hide Text Of Only Clicked Node

I am trying to show/hide text of a node in D3 on click. I tried using the following code: var node … Read more D3 - Show/hide Text Of Only Clicked Node

Multiple Time Slots For Week Days Using ReactJS

If anyone can help me to optimize the following code. I am trying to create a registration page whe… Read more Multiple Time Slots For Week Days Using ReactJS

How To Get All Image File Name Before Start Upload?

I want to get the name of image using foreach or each in plupload. I have old code here but is not … Read more How To Get All Image File Name Before Start Upload?

Problems With AES In Crypto-js And Pycrypto

I try to implement a communication between crypto-js (a javascript crypto library) and pycrypto (… Read more Problems With AES In Crypto-js And Pycrypto

Plain JS Countdown With Repeat And Delay

I keep running into several issues when creating a countdown script it does not run smoothly hard … Read more Plain JS Countdown With Repeat And Delay

Firefox : Force Full-screen Mode From Webpage

I am developing a web-based database that needs to be opened through firefox web browser(because of… Read more Firefox : Force Full-screen Mode From Webpage

Use Result From Previous Query In Another Query In Mongodb

1st query: db.a.find({ 'type': ObjectId('50ed90f5a70defef23000002'), &#… Read more Use Result From Previous Query In Another Query In Mongodb

Javascript Closure Tutorial From Eloquent Javascript

the question is pretty similar to this thread Javascript..totally lost in this tutorial. functi… Read more Javascript Closure Tutorial From Eloquent Javascript

Objects Are Not Valid As A React Child Data From MongoDB

I'm working on a project that uses Flask as a backend and sends data from MongoDB database and … Read more Objects Are Not Valid As A React Child Data From MongoDB

Is It Possible To Render HTML Into Javascript Console?

I would like to render HTML from a console.(log/info/warn): console.html(' Hello! '); woul… Read more Is It Possible To Render HTML Into Javascript Console?

Angular 2. What Is Faster To Render: [ngClass] Or Class="{{}}"?

What will render faster? one or another o Solution 1: I did some research and can surel… Read more Angular 2. What Is Faster To Render: [ngClass] Or Class="{{}}"?

Mute Microphone In Speakers But Still Be Able To Analyze (createAnalyser) With Web Audio Api?

Im trying to create an Analyser node to get the signal from a microphone, and be able to create a g… Read more Mute Microphone In Speakers But Still Be Able To Analyze (createAnalyser) With Web Audio Api?

Is '""' A Valid JSON String?

I am confused. To quote JSON is built on two structures: A collection of name/value pairs… Read more Is '""' A Valid JSON String?