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Showing posts from November, 2023

Modify Object's Keys Without Creating New Object

I have following input: { foo: 4, bar: 3 } I want to modify the keys of this object to get: { … Read more Modify Object's Keys Without Creating New Object

Array_remove() In Snowflake?

Postgresql has the ARRAY_REMOVE function to remove elements from an array. How can I do this in Sno… Read more Array_remove() In Snowflake?

Close Off-canvas Menu On Window Click

I made this 'slide-out' menu: SASS Slide-out Menu. It's ok, but I want that when the me… Read more Close Off-canvas Menu On Window Click

Traverse Through Multi-dimentional Object

I have a multi-dimensional object: var obj = { prop: { myVal: 'blah', o… Read more Traverse Through Multi-dimentional Object

How Does Chaining Operators In Javascript Work?

I was looking to XOR three boolean variables. Only one can be true, and one must be true: function … Read more How Does Chaining Operators In Javascript Work?

Node.js: Send Message To Server

I have the following node.js running on my server: var net=require('net'); var util=require… Read more Node.js: Send Message To Server

Promise.all In Node Is Undefined

I'm playing around with promises in Node.js and am trying to use Promise.all. I'm pushing t… Read more Promise.all In Node Is Undefined

Hello World On Phonegap Build

I am trying to do Hello World (for Android only) at I created a d… Read more Hello World On Phonegap Build

How To Get The Innerhtml, Including The Tag, Using Jquery?

Sorry, if the title is too obscure ;D. Actually the problem is, lets say i am this code. code here… Read more How To Get The Innerhtml, Including The Tag, Using Jquery?

Automatically Scale An Image To Match Text Height

I've got an image which I want to use inline with some text, but I need it to match the text he… Read more Automatically Scale An Image To Match Text Height

How To Check For One Json Object Being Present In Another

I have two sets of data in a JSON (data.json) as below : UP = [{'password': 'jhonjhon&… Read more How To Check For One Json Object Being Present In Another

Best Practice For Creating Sql Select Queries While Handling Potential Undefined Values

I'm currently creating a NodeJS website using PostgreSQL via pg-promise. I have a page with an… Read more Best Practice For Creating Sql Select Queries While Handling Potential Undefined Values

Javascript - Using For (key In Json) - I Would Like To Get Every Other Key Note Json Consists Only Of Objects

I would like to use for (key in json) but only use every other key. It would be simple using arrays… Read more Javascript - Using For (key In Json) - I Would Like To Get Every Other Key Note Json Consists Only Of Objects

Group Sequential Repeated Values In Javascript Array

I have this Array: var arr = ['a','a','b','b','b','c… Read more Group Sequential Repeated Values In Javascript Array

Protractor Cucumber Configuration File Throwing Undefined Warning For My Scenarios Even Though Those Are Present

my Configuration file is not able to find the spec file even though it is present in the path that … Read more Protractor Cucumber Configuration File Throwing Undefined Warning For My Scenarios Even Though Those Are Present

Javascript: Convert A Json String Into Es6 Map Or Other To Preserve The Order Of Keys

Is there a native (built in) in ES6 (or subsequent versions), Javascript or in TypeScript method to… Read more Javascript: Convert A Json String Into Es6 Map Or Other To Preserve The Order Of Keys

X-requested-with Is Not Allowed By Access-control-allow-headers

I am developing one system. In that system there is one add item to cart functionality. In that fun… Read more X-requested-with Is Not Allowed By Access-control-allow-headers

Drop Request In Node.js Express

Is it possible using Node.js and express to drop a request for certain route? I.E. not return a htt… Read more Drop Request In Node.js Express

How To Make Route Direction Between Multiple Markers

How to make route direction between Manly Beach -> Bondi Beach -> Coogee Beach -> Maroubra… Read more How To Make Route Direction Between Multiple Markers

Access Camera Or Webcam Without Webrtc

In my website, it needs to access camera or webcam. But webRTC is not supported yet on ios webview … Read more Access Camera Or Webcam Without Webrtc

Can't Delete Li From To-do List

I'm creating a to-do list application, and when the user clicks on a to-do that he/she has crea… Read more Can't Delete Li From To-do List

Position Div To Center Of Visible Area

I'm in the midst of making a lightbox style pop-up for a mailing list sign up, but I want the p… Read more Position Div To Center Of Visible Area

Can I Broadcast To All Websocket Clients

I'm assuming this isn't possible, but wanted to ask in case it is. If I want to provide a s… Read more Can I Broadcast To All Websocket Clients

Three.js - Drag Collada Files

My objects are moving on the XZ axis through drag and drop. Unfortunately the collada files doesn&… Read more Three.js - Drag Collada Files

Http_referer Blank, Need Alternative

I have a simple signup form that needs to track number of hits from one specific external referer. … Read more Http_referer Blank, Need Alternative

Hide Div When Page Load

I have jquery issue, Kindly see my jquery code: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.toggle_c… Read more Hide Div When Page Load

Angularjs Merge Two Objects Ignoring Null And Missing Values

For instance, from these two objects : var object1 = { 'color': 'yellow', &… Read more Angularjs Merge Two Objects Ignoring Null And Missing Values

How To Disable Button Close On Browser For Web Application?

I have Application Web based ASP.Net Framework 1.0, for security i want Button Close (X) in browser… Read more How To Disable Button Close On Browser For Web Application?

How To Make An Ajax Contact Form

P.S. edited to remove unnecessary code Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong here? The error log… Read more How To Make An Ajax Contact Form

Spa Content Refresh With Constant Updating

I know that recommended approach to updating SPA versions is to use service workers and alert user … Read more Spa Content Refresh With Constant Updating

Passing Database Query Results To Jquery Sparkline Charts Using Php

I've created a PIE chart using jquery-sparline. Pie Chart : $('.sparkline').sparkline… Read more Passing Database Query Results To Jquery Sparkline Charts Using Php

How To Scope Firebase In Nested Promise Cloud Functions

I am trying to set a few variables from Firebase and then pass those into a anotherfunction. Curren… Read more How To Scope Firebase In Nested Promise Cloud Functions

Get Parent Element Node When Child Node Is Matched

This is my code: Read more Get Parent Element Node When Child Node Is Matched

Jspdf - Use Lots And Lots Of Images

In JSPDF, my goal is to create a document that can vary from 1 to 1000 pages. Moreover, there are a… Read more Jspdf - Use Lots And Lots Of Images

Jquery Filter Row By Condition

I have a page containing multiple tabs per region. Each row in the table has a class with each r… Read more Jquery Filter Row By Condition

Adding Two Lists To Selectize, The First One Should Be Selected By Default

Hi I've a litle problem with selectize, namely how to add two lists and he first one should be … Read more Adding Two Lists To Selectize, The First One Should Be Selected By Default

Auto Save A File In Firefox

I am trying to find a way where by we can auto save a file in Firefox using JS. The way I have done… Read more Auto Save A File In Firefox

Get Typescript Class In A File And Read Single Parts Of It

Is there a plugin (like for Gulp) where I can parse a typescript file and read out single parts (li… Read more Get Typescript Class In A File And Read Single Parts Of It

How To Check If Radiobutton-item Is Selected After Pageload?

My RadioButtonList is created with pure like this: &l Solution 1: When you crea… Read more How To Check If Radiobutton-item Is Selected After Pageload?

Empty Variable Gives True Value To Disabled Attribute On Input

I dont know if this is a problem or normal behavior. If we have a form like this: field1 Solution 1… Read more Empty Variable Gives True Value To Disabled Attribute On Input

Import Javascript Files With Css

Is it possible to use a CSS import file to import JavaScript pages? @import url(Script.js); Solutio… Read more Import Javascript Files With Css

Javascript Working On Firefox But Not In Chrome And Ie6

I have javascript that working fine in Firefox 3.x.x, but it does not work in IE*, Chrome, Safari. … Read more Javascript Working On Firefox But Not In Chrome And Ie6

How To Set Up Gulp To Bundle Several Files Into One?

This seems like a very simple question, but spent the last 3 hours researching it, discovering it c… Read more How To Set Up Gulp To Bundle Several Files Into One?

Javascript Function Not Returning Value

I am calling a function with the following code: var resultz = nsEditor.updateStringCall(debtID, co… Read more Javascript Function Not Returning Value

Angular Directive To Dynamically Set Attribute(s) On Existing Dom Elements

I'm somewhat new to Angular, so feedback on alternative approaches is certainly welcome. I hav… Read more Angular Directive To Dynamically Set Attribute(s) On Existing Dom Elements

Elementbyid Finds Element But Won't Add Event Listener (chrome Extension)

I have a form in my extension's popup with the code: Submit And then in the attached script, … Read more Elementbyid Finds Element But Won't Add Event Listener (chrome Extension)

Element Coordinates In Pure Javascript

Say that I have an element inside a div (or any other containing element, or perhaps just in the bo… Read more Element Coordinates In Pure Javascript

Undefined Variable In Array In Prototype

I have the following code: Number One Solution 1: I think you're confusing the properties whic… Read more Undefined Variable In Array In Prototype

Changing String To Number And Summing Up Digits

Here is what I have: Once you press the Translate button, the texarea will display 1. That is not … Read more Changing String To Number And Summing Up Digits

Anonymous Users With Parse Sdk

I'm aware that does not support Anonymous Users for the Javascript SDK which is what … Read more Anonymous Users With Parse Sdk

How Do I Get My Redirecting Script To Add A Random Suffix To Select Sites?

I've a userscript that redirects to a random site from a list. (Reference: How to redirect to … Read more How Do I Get My Redirecting Script To Add A Random Suffix To Select Sites?

Send Post Request Only If Check Box Is Checked

So I'm trying to make my script only log and send the POST request if the check box is checked.… Read more Send Post Request Only If Check Box Is Checked

Bootstrap-table / How To Add Filter-control In Table Configuration

I'm trying to make a filter per column in Bootstrap-table. I've seen a lot of sites that us… Read more Bootstrap-table / How To Add Filter-control In Table Configuration

Conditional Formatting Of Table With Angular And Javascript

How would I go about conditioning below table for when the lastPingedTimeAsString reaches a 5 minut… Read more Conditional Formatting Of Table With Angular And Javascript